1Timothy 2:1 says: “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, INTERCESSIONS, and giving of thanks be MADE FOR ALL MEN.”

Prayer is addressing God, whether in praise, petition, or confession. A Christian is a person not only reconciled with God but one in sweet and harmonious communication with God. When we read the Word, God speaks to us, when we pray, we talk to God. Prayer is the "Christian’s vital breath". The human soul flourishes in an atmosphere of prayer.

Our Lord is Jehovah Rapha - our Healer, Jehovah Jireh - Provider, and He is also our God of peace for those who are in distress. Indeed, our God is powerful, gracious, and a restorer. The Intercessory Ministry aims to connect people to God through prayer, by allowing the needs of others to take preference over one’s personal needs. Intercession is prayer, petition or entreaty in favor of another. When we intercede, our focus is no longer internal but external, for the needs of others. Not just physical healing, emotional, financial, and spiritual .

Le us join our hearts and spirits every Thursday, at three o’clock in the afternoon, as we lift up to the Lord in prayer the concerns of our family, community, country, church, workers, our members with personal prayer requests, healing for the sick, and most especially, intercede for more people to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.