We believe in the one true, living, and sovereign God, who is eternal, Holy, and immutable.  He is eternally existing in three distinct persons - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; co-equal, co-eternal, co-substantial, and co-creator, yet God the Son and God the Spirit submitted themselves to God the Father. Even though God disclosed  Himself to all men, it is impossible for  us to fully know Him but we can truly know Him as far as He revealed Himself. 


We believe in Jesus Christ, the second person of the Godhead, the eternal Son of God who became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Jesus possess two natures: fully God and fully man; inseparably united in one person.  
      We believe that Jesus demonstrated His office as prophet by completely revealing and explaining the Father to us. As a priest, He saved the believers forever by offering Himself as a perfect sacrifice for sin and is continuously interceding to the Father in behalf of His children. His office as a king gave Him the right to have an eternal throne over His people.
We believe in Jesus’ substitutionary death to provide salvation for mankind. He was buried, rose again on the third day, and ascended to heaven where He is now seated at God’s right hand and as High Priest and Advocate, interceding for the believers and will personally and visibly return to judge the living and the dead, and establish His kingdom upon the earth.         


We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, in one substance with God the Father and God the Son, yet distinct. He is a personal God with intellect will and sensibilities.  He regenerates, teaches, convicts, speaks, bear witness, and glorifies Christ. As a revealer, He guides us into all truths and He supernaturally superintended the writers of the Scriptures so as to produce the very Word of God.
     We believe that the Holy Spirit leads believers towards righteous living and transforms them from glory to glory. He indwells, seals, fills, sanctifies, equips, comforts, unifies, and intercedes for the believers.
We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is placing of a new believer into the body of Christ and it happens during conversion. When believers are filled with the Holy Spirit, they are empowered to live a holy life and they are made to be effective in their ministry.  Believers need to have a total submission to God by living a holy life to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the giver of the spiritual gifts for the equipping of the church and these gifts are based on the determination of the Holy Spirit and should be consistently exercised for the edification of the body of Christ.


We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully and verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit in the original, and is composed of 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament, infallible and without error. It is the final revelation and the sole authority in all matters of faith and practice; henceforth, compels our total obedience. Therefore, the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


We believe God created man - male and female. Man was formed in a special and unique way for he as created from the dust and God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Man was also created in God’s own image in His personal, moral, social, rational, and spiritual. However, the image of God in man was marred that makes him totally lost because of sin, and it is progressively restored through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ.
We believe that man’s nature is comprised of two parts: material and immaterial. Originally, man was created perfectly created and sinless, but peccable. And through Adam, sin entered the world and with the fall, all men became sinners before the Lord.
We believe that sin, which is defined as the transgression of the Law of the Lord and not doing the things you ought to do has consequences: men were separated from God, became spiritually dead, and doomed to eternal punishment. But God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ Jesus died for us. We believe we can be saved only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe that salvation is the work of God by His grace through and only through Jesus Christ. It is a free gift of God by faith, and not by works. We believe that God chose individuals for salvation and happened long before the creation of the world. It does not depend on man’s effort but on God’s mercy.
We believe that faith is vital for one’s salvation. This saving faith is the person’s complete trust in Jesus Christ, believing that he already has everlasting life with God because of the vicarious death of Jesus Christ. We believe that repentance leads to salvation. It is the turning of one’s self to God and must be manifested by good deeds. Faith and repentance must come together in salvation.
We believe that justification is the gracious act of God wherein He declares the repentant believer righteous before His sight through the work of Christ at the cross. It takes place the very moment the person puts his complete faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that adoption is an act of God wherein He changes man’s position, having been included into the family of God, thus becoming His children. The Holy Spirit speaks deeply in their hearts and assures them that they are God’s very own children and since they are His, they will share His inheritance - for everything that God gives to His Son, Jesus Christ, is for them, too. Having been adopted into God’s family, believers can call God, “Abba, Father”.
We believe that sanctification is a progressive process that aids believers to be more and more Christ-like in character. Believers are sanctified through the death of Christ and the Holy Spirit empowers them to live the Christian life from glory to glory.
We believe that a believer’s salvation is eternally secured, that God has given them eternal life and this life is in His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that believers will receive a glorified body at their glorification. This body has victory over death and it is morally and spiritually perfect.


We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, made up of the whole community of all “called out ones” from all cultures, tongues, and nations of all ages. We believe in the two aspects of the Church, namely the universal church, which includes those in all ages have been born of the Spirit of God and have, by the Spirit have been baptized into the body of Christ and the local church, which is the manifestation of the former.  The Bible symbolizes the Church as the body of Christ, bride of Christ, the temple of the Holy Spirit, the flock of Christ, the people of God, the pillar and foundation of truth, and a royal priesthood.
We believe that the Church is commissioned by God to fulfill the following: to equip one another in the gifts given to them, to do works of service, to strengthen each one’s faith, to have fellowship, to instruct with the Word of God, to comply with the ordinances which Christ instituted, and to communicate the gospel to the world. All ministries should always lead to the edification of the body of Christ and glorification of God.  We believe that the main mission of the Church is to proclaim the gospel to the world and to equip the saints for the building up of the body of Christ. We further believe that the Church must have concern not only in spiritual affairs, but also in social concerns (acts of compassion, justice, righteousness, and peace) as long as the Church’s faith and convictions are not compromised. 
We believe that the Church is an organized body of believers of Christ. We do believe that there is no definite organizational structure in the Church exemplified in the Scriptures, however, there are prescriptions with regards to the church leadership. There must be leaders in the church who are in charge of the spiritual affairs of the church and those who are stewards of the physical and material affairs of the Church. We believe that every member of the Church should exercise his or her spiritual gifts. 
We believe that Christ instituted two ordinances for the Church to observe: Baptism which symbolizes the believer’s union with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, and the Lord’s Supper which is to be observed continually in this age, in remembrance and proclamation of Christ’s death until He comes.


We believe that death is the separation of material and immaterial. Death has three kinds: the physical death, the separation of the body  and the spirit; spiritual death, the separation from God due to sin; and eternal death, which is eternal condemnation of the spirit in the lake of fire. We believe that man is conscious  of his existence after his physical death. We believe that the spirit of believers will go to the presence of God and spirit of unbelievers will go to Hades. In the resurrection of the dead, believers will have their glorified bodies and unbelievers will experience severe eternal torment in the lake of fire.
We believe in the certainty of the rapture of the saints, the tribulation, and of Christ’s second coming. It will be physical, visible, and personal, and that Christ will call the believers to be in His presence and reign with Him forever. However, the unbelievers will be judged and will suffer eternal punishment in hell.
The anticipation of Christ’s imminent coming gives us hope and motivates us to live holy lives and be faithful stewards of all earthly possessions.


We believe that angels are spiritual beings having moral judgments, with great wisdom, power, and strength. As spiritual beings, they cannot marry thus, cannot procreate. They are personal beings without physical bodies, but can manifest themselves in bodily forms. They are very great in numbers and they are originally created primarily to worship and serve God, to act as God’s messengers, and to minister to God’s people.
We believe that Lucifer is an angel full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. His fall originated because of his desire to be like God. His sin caused him to be expelled from heaven. From then on, he became the chief adversary of God and man. The Bible describes him as the originator of sin, disguises as the angel of light, the devil, or Satan, the dragon, the roaring lion, the evil one, the old serpent, the prince of the power of the air, and the god of this world. The works of Satan are to blind the minds of men, oppose the work of God, tempt men to do things against God, and to accuse the brethren. We believe that Satan possess great power and authority but he is still subject to the control and authority of Christ and spirit-filled believers.
We believe that demons are those angels who followed Satan in his rebellion against God. They serve under the authority of Satan opposing the work of God in deceiving men and in carrying out his purpose in this world. We believe that even though Satan and his demons are powerful, nevertheless, they are already defeated, and the sovereign power of God will cast them all into the lake of fire wherein there will be no escape forever.